Friday 16 November 2012

Today Writer

As early as 10 years of age, pen and paper were her best pals. She didn't write poems. She didn't write essays. She wrote fictional stories. She wrote stories about adventure, tragedy, fantasy, drama, about friends, families and even young love.

More than 10 years later, the girl found her old scraps and notes. She read them, and laughed heartily for she finds them immaturely compelled to step up from innocence.

She stopped writing. Today, she writes again. Fictional stories are not on the list. She'll make poems and articles. Was the little fiction writer yesterday different from the trying hard poet today?

No, they are the same person. Yesterday was a daydreamer. Yesterday was a wishful child. Today is a woman, a woman trying to live in the real world. Same writer. But today, after many years, maybe she has had many experiences. Today, maybe she has more prolific, profound, and realistic or true to life stories to share.

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