Thursday 1 November 2012

For Sale!

Business. Everything in today's world is FOR SALE. Yet, nothing had enough price or value to be irreplaceable.

True love, true life is next to extinction. Everything is humorous, especially city life. Elusive, transitory, exhausting. Everyone and everything is about speed, as if stopping means death. So nobody stops to reconsider, to be human again. It is so unreal, illusory. They've become robots -- dead and walking.

Overlapping of words, failure to finish a sentence. "Life is too short, have to move to the next stage." Citizens know harmony no more, living parallel lives like disconnected universes. Everyone simply strives for their own space.

Along with advancing technology and industrialization, we have made the supposedly simple life more complicated and expensive. But we are, by nature, connected. We are, by nature, gentle, tranquil and free.

Aren't we aware, that this world and this life were given to us
without price tags?

Photo credit:

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