Saturday 15 September 2012

"Bawal Umihi Dito!"

I know we are not the only ones who would want to talk about this. Moreover, I'm sure we want to do something about it!

I recently read a blog titled "Toilet Training and Progress" by Antonio A. Hidalgo

*It was a good read. In case you wish to have a look, just follow this link:

In this blog, Mr. Hidalgo's main point was how toilet training is a good indicator of human progress. Human progress which doesn't mean just political, economical or social progress. He is referring to the overall consciousness and the way of living of individuals in a society or nation, as HUMANS.

This madness or striking reality of rampant peeing, or even pooping in public places, especially where the signs "Bawal Umihi Dito" are, are direct messages, very direct messages that says:
  • Some people here don't care
  • Some people here are ignorant of proper etiquette
  • Some people here aren't well-educated
  • Some people here don't have discipline
  • The government is not very effective in implementing its laws
  • Public peeing is normal, since everybody is doing it

It was said that financial status of the country may be one cause of this problem. Yes, that could be true. Yet, a greater cause for this is the ways, or the state of discipline of each person contributing to a society or nation's progress.

The country will continue to stink and get stinkier from the pee of irresponsible, thoughtless and careless individuals as long as they will continue on like this and never make a stand. As we always hear, "Outer change is not possible without the inner change." The change should then come from within us. Then financial and organizational planning could follow...

Photo Credit:

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